This clinic specialized in Fertility & Gynecological diseases has advanced equipment units and sterile culture systems. Korea’s 3 leading fertility specialists in this hospital are utilizing examination systems for customized treatment and performing high quality treatments for world class services. In addition, systematic specialized examinations and treatments enable the one-stop service up to hospitalization and treatment.
환자 개개인에 맞춘 세밀한 검사 시스템과 고도의 시술을 통한 세계적 수준의 난임 전문 치료시스템을 갖추고 있습니다.
Address 부산광역시 부산진구 서면로 25 (부전동, 서면삼한 골든뷰 6층) (614-805)
Tel +82-51-803-2618
Fax +82-51-803-2618
Customer center +82-51-803-2616~7